
If you are getting yourself ready to be a Disruptor in an ExO Sprint, then this guide is meant for you.

Our accumulated learnings from previous Sprints on how to best prepare yourself to offer the best and most helpful disruptive feedback is found in this document. We hope you find it helpful.

Your primary point of contact regarding your role in the upcoming Disrupt Workshop is the ExO Head Coach, who will brief you separately on the finer details of this workshop, also including logistical information and the nature of the project you will be "parachuting" into.

What is an ExO Sprint?

We live in a world of exponential technologies, which accelerate our capacity to innovate. However, all our management thinking and organizational dynamics are set up for a linear, predictable age. As investor David Rose has said, “Any company designed for success in the 20th century is doomed to failure in the 21st”.

We have found that it takes two to three years for the average management team to recognise and adapt to this new age, with enormous friction and lost opportunity costs.

An ExO Sprint is designed so that an organization can bridge that 2-year transition in just 10 weeks. The Sprint facilitates many contributors from the global OpenExO community, client Sprint teams teams and others through a structured process to reorient their company for an exponential age.

The Sprint teams follow the ExO Sprint methodology described in the book Exponential Transformation, which is highly recommended reading for any disruptor.

As part of this process, the customer’s executives participating in the sprint (typically) split in 3-6 different teams to ideate and design initiatives following an ExO (Exponential Organization) approach.

These teams are focusing each of their initiatives on one of the following streams: ExO Edge -that are launching new ExOs on the edge of the current organization based on new technologies and startups or ExO Core -that is about implementing the ExO model within the current organization.

What is the ExO Disrupt Workshop?

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At the halfway point of the 10-week Sprint process, the teams present their progress on their initiatives and a group of experts in relevant fields gives feedback about these projects, try to disrupt them as well as assessing the level of exponentiality for each ExO initiative and evaluate its relevance for the organization.

The outcome of this workshop will identify technology inflections and competitive threats to track for these projects, so the teams can take this input into account in order to improve them by taking them through a new iteration or pivoting in a new direction.